Giga Woman X: Attack of Extenza

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A double-debut from Labyssiytory veteran Giga Woman X (Professor Helga Brodin) and a (ahem) mysterious villainess known only as Extenza. It's a stretch giantess vs giantess battle, and big blue's got big red's number in this one-sided beatdown!

This is a 21-page comic, and comics in both jpg and pdf version, with textless versions included in both.

Now onto the spoilers!

SPOILER WARNING --------------------------------------------------------

We start off in Helga Brodin's home, as a professor that teaches superheroism, she is due to teach a class, but is forced to delay it after seeing Extenza on TV, causing trouble in the neighbourhood!

We get a nice tranformartion sequence as Professor Helga Brodin turns into Giga Woman X before our very eyes! With her Giga Suit coating her body like liquid, expanding her size and strength - allowing her to confront Extenza.

Extenza throws a stretchy punch, but it is immediately caught by Giga, who throws her own stretchy uppercut, the impact of which strikes so hard that it elongates the neck of her dazed fellow elastic foe.

After injecting another extending punch into Extenza's rubbery belly, Giga picks up her red foe with her superior strength, and twists her stretchy body. Giga then wraps her elastic frame around Extenza like a snake, tighting her stronger coils on Extenza's weaker coils, like a bigger stronger snake crushing another.

Giga's forearms then connect to form a rolling pin, and she proceeds to flatted Extenza on the pavement - then pick her up, kissing/blowing air into her flat body to re-shape her, but blows too hard and makes a blimp instead.

Treating Extenza like the balloon she's become, Giga Woman X twists Extenza's busted elastic body into the shape of a balloon-dog, before punting her over the horizon, to the outskirts of the city they're fighting in.

After the harsh landing, Giga offers Extenza a chance to quit, but she refuses, attempting to lash out again, both of her limbs are caught by Giga, who lands another blow to the belly. - Giga then uses Extenza's own arms to tie her up (like she's cuffed) and proceeds to read Extenza her rights.

Giga then pins Extenza on the ground, and expands her ass massively to crush Extenza where she lay - before unleashing her final attack; Giga's dreaded "Stare of Judgement", a form of laser vision that teleports Extenza straight to prison (after some screams of pain and protest, of course!)

Giga Woman X takes the victory, and finally makes it home to resume her class as Professor Helga Brodin. Upon which her class tease her a little for using butt-expansion in a fight.

Extenza remains in prison for now... but for how long!?

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Giga Woman X: Attack of Extenza

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